Fixed your secondary weapon not getting updated stats after /loadwep command* Added flagger collides and non-flagger collides polygon types* Modified team collider polygon types do not longer collide with flaggers #192* Fixed memory leak in when calling ReadINI in soldatserver script* Fixed unproning cancels the change and throw weapon animation* Modified knife to inherit the player's velocity when thrown* Modified thrown weapons to be thrown in the direction you look* Modified thrown weapons inherit the player's velocity* Fixed not able to move while proned and changing or throwing weapon* Modified renamed mp3 folder to music folder* Modified renamed mp3list.txt to musiclist.txt* Modified renamed Mp3List ini setting to MusicList* Fixed some weapons not expelling a clip on reload* Modified WM loading with unparsable values gives helpful error messages* Modified WM loading to better support partial modding* Modified adding broken bots gives helpful error messages* Fixed weapons firing with FireInterval <= 5 not immediately propagating their status to the server #141* Fixed OnWeaponChange was sometimes not triggered* Fixed error sound when starting demos with enter #271* Added keyboard shortcuts (1, 2, 3, 4) for the escape menu* Fixed number keys not working in weapon menu on map start if weapon menu is disabled #270* Modified texts and positions of the Alt+F3 connection info* Fixed PacketRate_Adjusting=1 not adjusting much at all and making you lag worse for everyone* Fixed grenades sometimes being thrown in wrong direction due to ongoing animations* Modified screenshot and demo names are now YYYY-MM-DD_HH-NN-SS_MAPNAME_TYPE* Modified bullets to not get a damage penalty after they pierce a body* Fixed bullets piercing bodies even though their speed was tiny* Modified autodemo to record everything* Fixed piercing bullets not hitting other players in the same tick* Fixed bullets not hitting player if another spawning player is close* Fixed StartUpTime bypass from the roll, weapon change and melee animations #264* Fixed StartUpTime bypass from the roll, weapon change and melee animations #264* Fixed StartUpTime bypass by keeping the fire button held down during reload #264* Modified holding the grenade key to only throw one grenade in order to reduce accidents #180* Modified minimum time required to hold the grenade key before it being thrown increased by about 7% to reduce accidents* Fixed not being able to move while proned and reloading #188* Fixed being able to throw weapon while in the weapon switching animation #129* Modified chainsaw to only shake screen when you're hitting flesh* Fixed shots not firing in the direction of the crosshair due to ongoing animations #210* Fixed flag not being thrown in the direction you aim at #176* Fixed some sound popping under heavy CPU load* Fixed bullets not necessarily pushing ragdolls in the bullets' direction* Fixed crosshair not resized while binked when aiming on teammates or enemies* Fixed crosshair not resized correctly while binked and using sniper line* Modified client is also able to create Dummy bots with a "Dummy=1" attribute* Fixed bug #49 with caps not being showed in the scoreboard* Fixed Invisible player bug* Fixed normal mode weapons being used for comparisons in weapon selection menu in realistic mode when WM is changed #262* Modified self-bink to also work on semi autos #261* Modified bink to stack instead of resetting when being hit* Modified accumulating bink & self-bink to get diminishing returns as they reach higher values proportional to their configured value* Fixed self-bink being applied on the bullet that caused it* Added Checks for Movement packets being out of order to smooth out movement of players* Fixed Lost Team packet error* Modified selfbink to be applied immediately instead of on the 4th bullet* Modified Desert Eagles' and Spas' networking by re-creating the same pseudo-random pellet spread on all machines #260* Fixed Spas always firing its first pellet straight* Fixed incorrect collision response for nades #137* Added options for kill sort to OldScoreBoard: 2 for old style and 3 for new style* Fixed previous commit. What actually was accomplished was allowing both bink/selfbink and moveacc to be applied* Fixed second Desert Eagle bullet not synchronized properly between clients* Fixed shots ricocheting or not firing when head is in ceiling #186* Modified reduced wait time when requesting servers list* Modified removed lobby blacklisting support* Fixed bullet push now behaves correctly in the vertical direction* Modified disabled screen shaking in freecam and demo mode* Fixed Lobby server connections stay open after requesting server list #254* Modified bullet collision checks to scale their granularity proportionally with the bullet's current speed* Fixed bullet collision checks assumed the bullet's speed was the same as that of the equipped weapon* Added DrawTextEx function to scriptcore* Modified number of allowed drawtext layers from 3 to 255* Fixed StrToInt doesn't throw an exception when value is invalid (#83)* Fixed /pm crashing the server (#250)* Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition vertically* Modified removed "This option will be available after registering" label from graphics tab in config.exe* Modified removed resolution restriction for unregistered players* Fixed Soldat "crash" if playback device is missing and registered* Fixed access violation if playback device is missing and not registered* Modifed scripts are not crashing the server when compilation fails* Modified script will display now proper info whenever dll file is not found or there's any other error with script other than syntax error* Modified hints are now shown also when compilation succeeds* Modified script will now display line and column number on error, if such info is available* Added OnGameEnd() event* Modified AppOnIdleTimer is now available also if safemode is disabled* Modified OnRequestGame is now OnRequestGame(IP: String; Port: Word; State: byte; Forwarded: Boolean): Integer;* Modified OnPlayerKill is now OnPlayerKill(Victim, Killer, Weapon: Byte); (Weapon String->Byte)* Removed ReqFwd and ReqPort global variables* Removed socket functions* Modified PlaySound script function can play files from .\Sfx folder instead of .\Downloads\Sfx folder* Modified screenshots to save in PNG instead of BMP* Modified screenshots to encode and save in the background so the screen isn't locked for as long* Fixed I/O 103 Error when logs folder is missing and file logging is enabled #240* Fixed Alpha and Bravo flags not being placed symmetrically (flipped alpha flag)* Added wait time for bullet and explosion push to avoid eating #234* Modified client-server sync method for bullets to be a bit more accurate* Fixed players randomly rejoining server (hopefully) #85* Added Join Game tab controls resize/reposition horizontally* Added FiltersBox position changes depending on the window size* Modified moved FiltersBox so that it has enough space to the left and top* Fixed some hit detection issues due to bullets from certain angles being able to slink through and miss every hitbox* Modified Chainsaw to deal damage in a line all along its blade instead of just at the tip* Modified chainsaw is able to fire and reload while rolling, backflipping and changing weapons* Modified spent bullet shells inherit the velocity of the player when fired* Added Push WM attribute which together with a bullet's velocity on impact decides how much it pushes the target* Fixed possible hit detection issue for Desert Eagles due to server slightly misrepresenting one bullet's horizontal speed* Fixed soldatserver shell_exec doesn't work on Windows 64 bit (you need cmd.exe now, old Windows version support for shell_exec dropped)* Added drawing rows in alternating colors for Serverslist* Added nondefault gamemode names are drawn with gray color in Serverslist* Modified disabled HotTrack functionaly for Serverslist (selecting of servers when on hover)* Added BulletSpread WM attribute which controls bullet/pellet spread on Deagles and Spas, and base inaccuracy on other weapons* Modified cursor is now centered properly when cursor.bmp is another size than 16x16 (still needs to be in power-of-two)* Fixed cursor is resized smoothly when binked while using sniper line* Modified spent bullet shells have a slight randomness in their velocity because Fry Fry thinks that looks cooler* Added flamegod bonus to GiveBonus()* Added FormatFloat to script functions which fixes bug #15* Fixed not allowed weapon spam* Modified bots can also do idle animations* Fixed idle animation sometimes stop occurring* Fixed cigar animation flooding server* Fixed console parameters not working (#227)* Fixed massive selfbink after reload* Fixed crosshair not centered when binked* Modified inaccuracy effects to spread out more evenly instead of choosing "set paths"* Fixed idle animations locking movement controls #206* Fixed missing Installer additional tasks icon text* Fixed FireInterval values being shown as ten times too high in the weapon menu when a custom WM is used* Fixed entered player name resetting to Major when left-trim was needed #208* Fixed DirectX Graphics error when using Soldat Clicker #201* Fixed while playing CTF scoreboard is not showing each team players number #20* Fixed WriteConsole doesn't output text if it has less than 2 chars #214* Fixed Access violation in /BANDWIDTH command #212* Added RayCastEx function with full control over all RayCast arguments to scriptcore* Fixed RayCast returns false if both the start and end points are inside a polygon #119* Fixed possible to throw grenades through thin walls #163* Fixed players and dropped weapons warp inside team collide polygons #191* Fixed missing Flagthrow ini key shouldn't be assigned to G but to Jump+Crouch* Fixed Soldat fails to display interface images when starting the game with a mod #198* Added copy soldat:// link when clicking Game Server IP: label on Join game tab*